
我的豆瓣书影游替代又一次尝试:Notion 精神仓库

April 28, 2022
喜欢就买 | 重启电脑
project | tutorial | 复盘

先放链接:椒盐驼鸟的精神仓库 #

内容由我手动更新 + 豆瓣同步(感谢竹子的这篇教程),豆瓣同步的部分有做过轻微修改适应我自己的需求。暂时有如下功能:

  • 除了书、影、游之外还暂时加入了 hiking trail review
  • 自动同步我豆瓣标记读过、看过、玩过的条目评分、短评、标签和封面等信息
  • 手动维护的 hiking trail review
  • 每个条目有如下一些 tab
    • 按时间顺序排列的 gallery(最近读/看/玩/走过)
    • 推荐条目(按评分和打分时间排序)
    • 不同分类(如影视有 Netflix、纪录片、华裔、单口等主题,游戏有主视角、俯视角、像素风等,方便查看分类推荐)
  • 不同分类折叠,方便跳转



How to setup RSS for notion blog using Zapier

March 28, 2022
English | 重启电脑
tech | tutorial

RSS has became an almost obsolete concept that most of my friends nowadays never heard of, which is a shame. It’s simple, clean, accessible with correct setup, and most importantly, a highly productive system for information consumption. Why do you need RSS # Compared to other information consumption form like feed from certain platforms (e.g. Instagram, Twitter) or newsletter, RSS (or atom) has a few clear advantages ...