
WordPress All In One Wp Security (AIOS) locking cloudflare out

November 11, 2022
English | 重启电脑
Debug | Wordpress

I’m going on a trip tomorrow and not gonna bring my computer, so I decided to take one last check at my WordPress site making sure everything is doing fine. Then I saw recently all the bot like high count visitors are from a narrow range of IP from Singapore. I thought it’s just some good old crawler draining up my server, so I casually added the range to All In One Wp Security (AIOS)’s blacklist manager.


Scaleway Object Storage 不稳定和 Mastodon 迁移备份笔记

February 25, 2021
Debug | Mastodon | Software Engineer

我的长毛象实例 douchi.space 一直采用 Scaleway 的 Object Storage,因为它们前 75G 免费,对于这种小服务很划算。但是最近一个月连续发生两次故障,因为是免费 tier 所以客服修复的时间也没有保证。本文记述了故障可能的产生原因、debug 过程、修复方法和以后可能采取的 precaution messures。
