A fierce, funny, and revolutionary look at the queens of the animal kingdom Studying zoology made Lucy Cooke feel like a sad freak. Not because she loved spiders or would root around in animal feces:& all her friends shared the same curious kinks. The problem was her sex. Being female meant she was, by nature, a loser. Since Charles Darwin, evolutionary biologists have been convinced that the males of the animal kingdom are the interesting ones—dominating and promiscuous, while females are dull, passive, and devoted.
In Bitch, Cooke tells a new story. Whether investigating same-sex female albatross couples that raise chicks, murderous mother meerkats, or the titanic battle of the sexes waged by ducks, Cooke shows us a new evolutionary biology, one where females can be as dynamic as any male. This isn‘t your grandfather’s evolutionary biology. It’s more inclusive, truer to life, and, simply, more fun.
Side note,Bitch 这个名字过于切题巧妙(因为本意就是雌性动物,在近现代被化作污名化称呼,又在当代被 reclaim,实在是特别切题),但可以想像 sadly 会影响销量和 SEO,我都能想到作者坚持要用这个名字和出版方 argue 时候的样子了 🤣(中文版的“她”的力量显然就 tone down 了)。
准备面试时候看了被同侪们多次提到的的 Alex Yu 的 System Design Interview: An Insider's Guide,比意料中实用。开始看头几章科普时候还会担心讲得太浅,到实际案例的时候就发现深度不错很适合一小时面试的 scope,而且意外还学到了些新东西,面试倾向的又不像 DDIA 挖那么深所以好读很多。选的案例也都很经典(除了最后两个个人觉得有点偏),而且有层层递进关系看得甚至有点小爽。书里给的 get buy in - estimate (这个环节我不喜欢) - dive deep - wrap up 的面试套路也挺有启发。总之全书看下来比零散地看没深度的 YouTube system design 讲解系统多了,立刻就去买了 volume 2。豆瓣短评里说简笔画火箭可太贴切了,但没办法就是要考,还是很实用的。
The co-founders of the global science organization Nerd Nite bring readers a collection of wacky, yet fascinating STEM topics.
For twenty years Nerd Nite has delivered to live audiences around the world the most interesting, fun, and informative presentations about science, history, the arts, pop culture, you name it. There hasn’t been a rabbit hole that their army of presenters hasn’t been afraid to explore. Finally, after countless requests to bring Nerd Nite to more fans across the globe, co-founders and college pals Matt Wasowski and Chris Balakrishnan offer readers the quirky and accessible science content they crave in book form. Focused on STEM and paired with detailed illustrations that make the content pop, the topics are quirky and vast, from kinky, spring-loaded spiders to the Webb telescope’s influence on movie special effects.
How to Win Friends and Influence Fungi features narratives, bursts, and infographics on all things STEM from scientists around the world. Chapters are sure to make you laugh-out-loud, with titles such as "The Science of the Hangover," "What Birds Can Teach Us About the Impending Zombie Apocalypse," and "Lessons from the Oregon Trail."
A gorgeously-illustrated deep dive into the immune system that will forever change how you think about your body - how it works and why it is both your greatest ally and most dangerous enemy - from the creator of the popular science YouTube channel Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell.
比复习高考还认真地边记笔记边断断续续读了两个多月才读完。不是因为它难读,恰恰相反毕竟是 YouTube 第一科普博主写的书,全书都非常贯彻”Explain to me like I’m 5“的深入浅出原则(有时候甚至娓娓道来到有点啰嗦),充满了比喻和多角度的解释,有时候引人入胜好看到秉烛夜读。但免疫系统本身真的太复杂了,本书信息量也极大,本来是冲着 Kurzgesagt 可爱的画风来的以为是轻松小品,没想到插画只是点缀文字读起来是大部头。读完受益匪浅,对免疫系统有了个超级简化版本的大致了解。这么重要的知识课本里竟然只是冰山一角令人遗憾,推荐给所有人阅读。