Kindle Notes 轻松导出导入 Notion —— 我的第一个 chrome extension
April 13, 2021
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经过一周多的审核,我的第一个 chrome extension 终于上线啦!完全免费、开源,不收集任何用户信息,导出 csv 文件可导入 Notion 或任何可导入 csv 的笔记系统。跟 readwise 说再见。
与我之前的微信读书导出工具类似。不过微信读书那个工具需要会用命令行和装 Python,本工具只要有 chrome 就能用。
(注:由于没有美区之外的 Kindle 账号我无法测试 i18n,本插件暂时只支持美区 Kindle 账号,如果有人愿意测试的话欢迎提交 pull request)
A chrome plugin that export kindle notes to a notion compatible csv file.
This plugin will convert the current selected kindle notes to a notion compatible csv file.
Made for my reading notes channel because filtering and sorting is just much more easier this way.
Output table format in Notion: #
Name | Highlight | Note | No. |
Chapter | Underlined highlights | Notes/thoughts | Index used to sort |
How to use: #
- Install this chrome extension.
- Click the extension icon in chrome.
- The pop up will prompt you to kindle note page if you’re not already in.
- Select the note you want to export and click an export. Browser will start to download the csv.
- In Notion, create a table (can be either inline or entire page)
- Click the ‘…’ on right top cornor of your table, chose “Merge with CSV”
- Wait for import to complete and refresh the notion page
- Click the ‘…’->sort, add an ascending sort on ‘No.’ (why does stupid notion import in random order?)
- Notion may convert your ‘Note’ column to ‘Type’. Simply click on the header and change property type to ‘Text’
- Remove default unsed fields like “tags”
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