
How to setup RSS for notion blog using Zapier

March 28, 2022
English | 重启电脑
tech | tutorial

RSS has became an almost obsolete concept that most of my friends nowadays never heard of, which is a shame. It’s simple, clean, accessible with correct setup, and most importantly, a highly productive system for information consumption. Why do you need RSS # Compared to other information consumption form like feed from certain platforms (e.g. Instagram, Twitter) or newsletter, RSS (or atom) has a few clear advantages ...

半年过去,我的 dream job 怎么样了

March 19, 2022
career | patreon | software engineer | 复盘

虽然我毫无“事业心”,对技术也毫无热情,最初也是纯为了钱和福利入的码农行,但是因为彻底贯彻“喜欢就买,不行就分”的原则,我倒是在 7 年多的职业生涯里相对于同届 peer 而言折腾过不少公司,包括最近这一次求职中期还在探索。虽然没有碰到过于奇葩和惨痛的精力,也确实对这个工种由读书时的反感,到择业时的勉强介绍,到近两年的逐渐有点喜欢甚至还会自己搞 side project 的地步。但于正职工作而言,直到最近的一份工作才称得上我的“dream job”。


但开始这份“dream job”,我有点诚惶诚恐。说是 dream 是因为:

  1. 找工作前几周爱上了这个产品
  2. 面试期间聊得来,感觉公司 culture 很合
  3. pre-ipo 既有 startup 的灵动又有基本确定能跟大厂 compete 的价钱


  • 从上面那张可视化简历和我过去无数的工作厌班 blog 不难看出我 bunrout 的速度越来越快,次次裸辞,不知道这次深度用了不到一个月就喜欢上的产品带来的 enthusiasm 能跟工作的苟且较劲多久
  • 面试光环不代表实际工作体验,事实上我第二份互联网大厂工作的组也聊得非常好产品和行业也喜欢,但结果是 manager 是个傻屌,折腾没多久我在组散之前转了也对那个公司丧失兴趣飞速跑路了。所以虽然面试时候跟现在的公司相谈甚欢是我有史以来最好的面试体验,但也难保能持续到实际工作中

现在离我入职已经过去了快 7 个月,我想大概是时候停下脚步 reflect 一下这份“dream job”了。

这是现充过度没空写的 2、3 月 Patreon 二合一投票票选结果其中之一。欢迎金主们去四月的投票选出接下来的命题帮助我重新 get back on track:

  • Portable Monitor 体验:不止是移动办公
  • 那些鼓舞人心的单人开发的独立游戏们
  • 为什么 RSS 仍然是信息摄入最好的选择
  • 你为什么需要一个 discord 社交圈

The most unprofessional recruiter I’ve ever seen

June 9, 2021
English | 重启电脑
career | rant | software engineer

Throughout my career in tech industry, all of the recruiters I’ve worked with are decent, or at least professional enough to coordinate me and the recruiting teams in their company without issue. Sometimes they’re slow in response or sounded less passionate about the job, which I totally get, everyone gets burnt out sometime. The worst case, they ghost people after interviews, ...