
关我辟事 Vol.12:我越过山和大海

March 1, 2024
关我辟事 | travel | photography | seattle

2024-3-1 摄于 Bryce Canyon

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这半个月除了在计划近半年的旅途就是已经启程大环线 road trip 在路上了,博客更得少,东西买的少,书影游也没多少内容。本来以为可以借润年润月润日出个润特辑,谁想佛系 road trip 也生活过于丰富根本没时间写。这半个月欠下的博客,等 road trip 结束了一并还给大家。

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  • 消费主义博主竟然无消费可说只能拿吃的凑数?
  • 比原文好看的读书笔记
  • 手上开着真车 road trip,心理却想着在游戏里开车
  • 近期试玩过的几个非常期待的游戏
  • 狂喷某高分美剧


Soylent Chocolate #

其实没买啥东西,硬要说物的话,临行前准备路上应急食品又补了点 Soylent。其实几年前开始喝 Soylent 的时候一直是在官网订阅,当时官网的比 Amazon 便宜。前阵子瞅了一眼发现它们自家 Amazon 店卖的比官网 subscribe 便宜了,果断跳船。

Wa’z #

目前在西雅图吃到的最喜欢的一家 fine dining 日料店。我和富婆都觉得性价比不错,有好几道菜都挺惊艳的,分量也不小(收尾给了个 full size 的惠方卷还让人许愿真是撑到横着走),价格也没有太~~~贵(可能是因为场地和服务没有一些西糠精致),位子也好约。最喜欢的三道菜是图 1 的 mochi 豆腐 + 海胆,弹滑的豆腐和 dashi sauce 的味道和海胆的甜味很搭;图 2 的waygu 肥肥入口即化,马上被腻住的时候吃点配的青菜和芋头刚好;图 3 里面有我个人很喜欢的咸菜,脆脆的口感跟鱼搭起来就很妙。甜点我没有很喜欢不过富婆很喜欢吃那个冰淇淋!

FOB sushi #

之前它家的 poke bowl 一直是我市外卖涨价前我工作日想优待自己吃点高蛋白的默认选择,最近开了称斤卖的 sushi bar,种类繁多自己搭配也比买饭店的 combo 吃不到想要的舒爽,量大管饱~(看出这半个月没怎么消费主义了,物这栏竟然上榜三个都是吃的)


踏上 road trip #

被裁了时间多,也刚好小霾到手,去年没成行的美西大环线正式可以成行。现在还在旅途之中,行程过了 1/3,目前的体验惊喜连连,甚至途中还写了篇 road trip 安利抒情文。至于这次 road trip 本身的博文,晚点回家再写,这里先 photo dump 一些。

附近溜达 #

大致就是小霾到手没事就想出去溜达溜达。去了之前心水已久但除了拍照周围啥都没有的 Kite Park,甚至动了一秒想买长焦的念头……(就想想而已)


MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios ★★★ #

INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER "A superb chronicle of how Marvel Studios conquered Hollywood…. This definitive account of the Hollywood juggernaut thrills." —Publishers Weekly, starred review The unauthorized, behind-the-scenes story of the stunning rise—and suddenly uncertain reign—of the most transformative cultural phenomenon of our time: the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Marvel Entertainment was a moribund toymaker not even twenty years ago. Today, Marvel Studios is the dominant player both in Hollywood and in global pop culture. How did an upstart studio conquer the world? In MCU, beloved culture writers Joanna Robinson, Dave Gonzales, and Gavin Edwards draw on more than a hundred interviews with actors, producers, directors, and writers to present the definitive chronicle of Marvel Studios and its sole, ongoing production, the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For all its outward success, the studio was forged by near-constant conflict, from the contentious hiring of Robert Downey Jr. for its 2008 debut, Iron Man, all the way up to the disappointment of Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania and shocking departures of multiple Marvel executives in 2023. Throughout, the authors demonstrate that the original genius of Marvel was its resurrection and modification of Hollywood’s old studio system. But will it survive its own spectacular achievements? Dishy and authoritative, MCU is the first book to tell the Marvel Studios story in full—and an essential, effervescent account of American mass culture.
不能算是漫威铁粉,但在 phase 5 之前也差不多每一部电影都看过,这本书刚好赶在全面扑街之际出版,从头到尾串了一遍眼看他起朱楼眼看他楼塌了的时间线也算应景。不过除了一些幕后权力和版权斗争的八卦小趣闻还算有趣之外,影视最大娱乐帝国的恢弘和时代感没起来,尤其是读到并没那么跨时代意义或者感兴趣的作品部分就分外流水账了,尤其是强调了 Kevin Feige 的核心性但如何起作用却在早期 xmen 选角贡献后就再没怎么写出来。最大的感叹还是人生充满了机缘巧合,比如因版权之争错过《蜘蛛侠》的卡梅隆和小李子,比如幸亏没谈拢不然差点阿汤哥演了钢铁侠,比如迈克尔杰克逊竟然还想过眼 x 教授等等。不读这个也不知道现在大打 diversity 牌的漫威高层之前以卖玩具为由光明正大地厌女。

整体而言这种八卦书感觉听听有声书消遣比较合适。我是趁热门从图书馆借的纸质书,精读有点没耐心。不过今年有多写写读书笔记的 new year resolution,也还是写了一篇读书笔记

The Seattle Book of Dates ★★ #

Discover Seattle in a whole new way! Secret spots, beloved locales, and unexpected destinations offer endless options for date night or a weekend getaway. From the authors of the bestselling Portland Book of Dates comes this cheeky insider's guide to the coolest spots in Seattle and Washington state. A visual delight, the illustrated book marries style and substance and the result is a curated and creative collection of more than 125 often-inexpensive outings in and around Seattle to inspire romance and adventure. Outings run the gamut:  Tropical Winter Date features the Volunteer Park Conservatory and a secret drink at Inside PassageGet High on History includes a trip to the Klondike Gold Rush Historic Park and Smith Tower Observatory (and bar!)Eat, Drink, and Be Gay offers up Capitol Hill bars that celebrate and cater to the queer communityFarther afield adventures include trips to Vancouver and Victoria, the San Juans and other islands, Bellingham and Skagit Vallet, Mount Rainier, Eastern Washington, and more! Authors (and married couple) Eden Dawn and Ashod Simonian seek out the obscure and fascinating, and the date descriptions are motivating enough to prompt even the most dedicated Netflix-and-chillers to head out the door. The book is an essential resource and armchair read for Seattle's couples of all ages (and singles with friends) interested in learning about off-the-beaten-path things to do, see, and taste.
较为失望。本以为会看到很多新奇小众好玩的活动/日程点子,结果更像是一个活动/餐厅/酒吧的 list,内容其实也没多 date specific,作者夫妻甚至都不住在西雅图,只是写了本波特兰版之后出版商来要西雅图版,本可以甚至更应该是几篇博客(因为配图和链接更灵活)。内容按与西雅图的距离画了 5 个圈分开讲,想法听起来不错直到你看到温哥华和 Whistler 分在两个大类里书里隔了十万八千里,(记得这算是西雅图 date idea 吗)who earth will travel like that?单篇 date 的分块又都是地理位置 based,时间和类型上都不是既拿既用的日程安排,最后就还是会沦为地点 list。配图多元成家友好,个别活动有参考价值,优点到此为止。


在读 #

  • Chip War 如上月和上上月一样,进度还是很缓慢。这个月总能读完了吧……
  • Immune Kurzgesagt 创始人 Philipp Dettmer 写的一本关于免疫系统的书,本来是冲着他们的插画去的,结果文字内容也非常引人入胜。能做成 YouTube 第一大科普博主不是白来的呀!
  • Entangled Life 一本关于菌类的科普。之前读了《地球生命小史》之后就突然对进化史往往轻描淡写带过但对地球环境和生命起到巨大作用的菌类产生了好奇,外加也是实用菌类爱好者,就在图书馆 hold 了这本书,前阵子刚好到了。菌类世界真的非常神奇,看得我都想投身采蘑菇事业了!


这半个月没有完整玩完哪个游戏,但非常上瘾的游戏正在沉迷中,也玩到了不少喜欢的 demo,这里稍微 in progress 地介绍一下吧:

Pacific Drive #

Pacific Drive is a first-person driving survival game with your car as your only companion. Navigate a surreal reimagining of the Pacific Northwest, and face supernatural dangers as you venture into the Olympic Exclusion Zone. Each excursion into the wilderness brings unique and strange challenges as you restore and upgrade your car from an abandoned garage that acts as your home base. Gather precious resources and investigate what’s been left behind in the Zone; unravel a long-forgotten mystery while learning exactly what it takes to survive in this unpredictable, hostile environment. In 1955, the United States government seized a region of the Pacific Northwest by eminent domain. The Olympic Peninsula became the staging ground for promising new technologies, but these utopian creations came at great cost: severe radiation, environmental collapse, and supernatural horrors. The government walled off the area and established the Olympic Exclusion Zone. What happened inside was never disclosed. Rumors and stories about the Zone run rampant, compelling you to go and explore its perimeter. Your plans go awry and you’re now stuck inside – you don’t know it yet, but the only way out is through. You find a barely running station wagon deep in the woods, miraculously unlocked and able to make the trip down the hill into the valley. Here you come across an abandoned auto shop which becomes your base of operations, where you safely repair and improve your car between runs. Do your best to survive, solve mysteries, and search for a way out — or become part of the ongoing legends of the Zone.
在 PNW 开着 station wagon 边捡垃圾边修车,这个题材对本住在 PNW 的 road trip 爱好者实在是吸引力太大了。之前玩了 demo 没有特别上道,外加似乎有点恐怖生存要素,就犹豫了一下,幸好我喜欢的游戏测评博主一众好评我就购入了。目前玩了 18 个小时,非常沉迷,茶饭不思,road trip 途中都惦记着晚上回酒店玩那种。晚点玩完再来认真写评

Synergy [Demo] #

先别说好不好玩,这个画面也太美了吧!!!demo 玩了一个多小时都还没见底,画风和主题都跟 Scavenger Reign 挺像的 city building 游戏,今年 Q2 发售非常期待。


手绘画风很吸引人的类杀戮尖塔卡牌 roguelike。除了画风出众外,创新的能投骰子改变任意数值(比如敌人的生命、攻击力、护盾)等的系统也给玩法代理爱很多新意和变数。Demo 玩起来挺好玩的期待一下正片。

风帆纪元 | Sailing Era [Demo] #

国产的类大航海时代作品,人设比较二次元,虽然当年没玩过大航海时代,但是玩骑马与砍杀种草的投机倒把玩法没有更多游戏深挖还是很遗憾的(部落与弯刀设定我很吃但感觉战斗系统还是拉垮了点),所以对本作还挺期待。但单玩 demo 觉得挺干瘪的,评分也一般,估计打骨折才会考虑吧。


The Taste of Things ★★★☆ #

据享受做饭的人说看得很欢乐,但我只是全程在怀疑导演只是想拍一部美食主题的 ASMR 长片(美食音效的部分很喜欢,但对鸟声的执迷感觉有点过于密集了)。喜欢一些 subtle 的细节比如食客对女主的尊重,比如结尾出门面试理所应当地等小学徒一起出门等等。结尾对话我是你的什么?Cook 还是 Wife?的那段蛮浪漫的,但其它时间我都在摸不着头脑。咦原来不是夫妻吗?咦原来是个不婚主义者浪漫故事吗?咦其实是要讲要培养小学徒吗?当然看到最后能明白是想讲个淡淡的故事并没有上面问题的主线,但观影过程中还是觉得有点过散了。中文名(豆瓣叫《法式火锅》?)和法文原名(多丹·布法内的欲望???)都有点过于接地气了吧,英文名《The Taste of Things》正常多了…… neodb 有人评法式小森林我笑死,太贴切了

白莲花度假村 | The White Lotus Season 1 ★★☆ #

WTF did I just watch… 完全就是一个低配版的《大小谎言》,套了个片头告诉你死了个人然后从头开始安静祥和地讲故事结尾揭晓是谁的模版,看到结尾你就发现贯穿始终的凶杀案线索,空得像是给了 AI 一个“开头死人结尾揭晓”的 prompt 写出来的似的,甚至连本来完全不像的咱们童颜达达里奥童颜后面的表情都像起妮可基德曼了(演技还是差太多)。无论人物塑造还是冲突升级还是节奏把控还是剧本质量都差太远了。除了 eerie 氛围拉满的配乐之外,其它元素就像它嘲讽了一把的有钱人家庭一样空洞和故弄玄虚,连几个穷人角色的挣扎都充满了中产来写底层的拧巴和扁平化,薄得像纸片一样,一如拉进度条不要钱的拖沓剧本。

地狱改造营:青春梦魇纪实 | Hell Camp: Teen Nightmare ★★ #



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